Where to rest in the New Year?

If you do not want to spend the most important holiday of the year alone with the "Blue flame", go back to where it does not show. Includes song Choi, "We are waiting for change" and pack a suitcase - it's time for new adventures!
While in Russia were pressing for Olivier, think of spiritual nourishment. Abundant menu prompts Nepal millennial sacred monasteries, statues of deities, the living goddess Kumari is true - and all this against the backdrop of snowy Himalayas. One of the best places for spiritual practices, meditation, and relax. The latter, incidentally, is not synonymous with passivity: no one stops rafting on mountain rivers and make the ascent of the mountain peaks. Acquainted with the life of Nepalis into the city - museum Bhaktapur ("City of the faithful"). Locals streets are a continuation of a house: there are children, adults prepare meals, dried corn, wash clothes and dishes are made on a potter's wheel. Be sure to visit the Royal Chitwan Park ("Forest Leopard"), home to rare one-horned rhinos, bears - sloth, leopards and wild boars. Get to know the nature of the jungle, traveling on an elephant. But if you're afraid of heights, choose a car and leisurely safari trip in a canoe. Incidentally, the day the heat this time of year is misleading, a couple - three have warm clothes handy. In many areas there is simply no electricity, with varying degrees of success using solar panels, so do not be lazy to bring more hot water bottle and a down sleeping bag.

Chinese celebrate New Year on February 14, according to the lunar calendar. Therefore, in December, no petard not break thy rest. Finally, you can relax at the Beijing spa. And may you not confuse the word "spa", which is usually associated with expensive hotels, here you can find a surprisingly low cost offers. So, for 150 yuan (800 rubles), you will spend four hours in the famous spa - the center of the hotel Tszuhua. It has long been a place Tszyuhua was known to its curative hot spring. Today it opened a popular spa - center. After the procedure sends the "pajama buffet" with a crab and Peking duck at a restaurant in the center (here taken to supper, dressed in white). Dedicate a few days to visit the Temple of Heaven (the only round church in Beijing), the Summer Palace (which is written in the corridor Guinness Book of Records as the longest in the world), the Forbidden City (where they filmed the movie "The Last Emperor"). In general, Beijing - a typical metropolis with skyscrapers and wide roads. Here is the simple walk on the streets at night is akin to the discovery of life on Mars - all so strange and frighteningly colorful. Most striking is how the Chinese spend their leisure time. In a typical city park people are dancing a waltz on the grass, let the kites are engaged in calligraphy - a feeling that stuck with - then 70 - x at a party at the hippies. All around smiling, and there is a feeling that you were a baby again.

Ina Velichko, graphic designer, "To conduct the New Year in Beijing - a great idea! I personally uplifting Chinese society: they are slow, thoughtful, can pour a cup of tea half an hour. The city itself - the second Moscow, only pagodas. However, with all the shopping sadly. Instead, the dismantling of fabulous beautiful things for ridiculous money markets, I found the clothes of dubious quality. "
The fact that India changes its mind, they say everything is considered, the local way of life makes us - a new look at the world. December 31 you can do trekking, surfing or scuba diving - because Hindus have celebrated the New Year in November. And if you keen on rock climbing, go to the heights of the Himalayas. On the way back visit the city the Gangotri (source of the holy river Ganges) and Kedarnath (Shiva temple here is where to come pilgrims from all over the country). However, it is an advance supply of food and arrange tours to local tourist office, that adventure is not turned into a brutal test. Go for meditation in Bodhgaya (where Buddha attained enlightenment) here you will find a number of specialized centers. Root Institute for Wisdom Culture (www.rootinstitute.com) organizes the ten-day courses with accommodation and food. Shorter sessions at International Meditation Centre (www.internationalmeditationcentre.org) to join the groups at any day and at whatever time. Do not leave unattended and monuments in New Delhi temple Lakshmi - Narayan Uttarakhand (dedicated to the Goddess of happiness, wealth and beauty), Humayun's Tomb, Jama Masjid Mosque (the most ambitious temple construction in Asia).

Mary Primack, inspirer cafe "The Sea Inside": "In India, I learned how to fully merge with the sea. Just lie down, gently sink into his soft feather bed, and it is in response to gentle hugs, picks up and shakes on the waves like a child. And in the morning if you can wake up early, you can drive along the coast with the player in my ears and dancing feet slapping on the water's edge and otherwise insane. By the way, my "Sea" and was born just in the wake of Indian inspiration. "
Vietnam attracts neizbitostyu: Despite rapidly growing interest of tourists, he sank to the level of "all inclusive". In December, the weather is warm (average 26 ยบ C), although sometimes it rains. If you want to spend New Year's night in solitude, lived in this bungalow, covered with reeds and outdoor shower. Here you can easily rent a scooter (about 150 rubles. Per day) or bicycle (60 rubles).. The roads of Vietnam - one of the most challenging - steep serpentines. But it is necessary to work hard to get a bike from Hanoi to Sapy, places famous scenic hills and breathtaking views of the highest peak of Indochina, Mount Fan Si Pang. If you love outdoor activities, diving will take great pleasure. The cost of diving in this country is the lowest in the world (about 1,000 rubles for two times). The best diving - Whale Island resort is considered (it is available Turtle Farm) and Fukok (there is a plantation of pearls). Fishing and surfing should do in the resort area of ​​Phan Thiet. It settled down family-style hotel with white sand beaches. This is perhaps one of the few places on earth where you can hear the sound of silence. The exact opposite him - Saigon, a city with bustling nightlife. Known as the "Paris of the East." Here is the architectural masterpiece of Notre - Dame de Saigon, created in the image of Notre - Dame de Paris. But if you city dwellers, tired of outdoor activities and want to celebrate the New Year, traditionally, then bear in mind that some hotels on the night of 31 - th to 1 - e banquets as a sign of respect for the culture of guests.
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