Tourists on bicycles

Of all the types of tourism trips by bicycle - the most profitable. In contrast to the motor bike fuel is not required, it can travel where no other form of transport does not take place on easily accessible areas can be transferred to the hands, and in extreme cases it can take the train. Traveling by bicycle is much nicer than the public transport modes, and the speed is much higher than the pedestrian, with a backpack and generally there are no problems.

Probably not a man who would not know how to ride a bike, because this ride almost all taught as children. Today, the industry produces a wide range of road and touring bikes that are easy to manage, gaining rapidly and easily hamper, and weigh a little while. In addition, for this type of travel is on sale special clothing, which makes it possible to feel quite comfortable in all weather conditions.

Traveling by bicycle promotes good health. Cycling strengthens the leg muscles, in addition, strengthens and normalizes the activity of respiratory and cardiovascular system. Bicycle rides can be short and long-term. As you can see, traveling by bicycle has become one of the most popular types of summer recreation and entertainment.

There are two types of travel by bicycle - Cycling and biking. Participants bicycle ride without luggage, since it is usually transported in the moving car. They eat in restaurants, a night stay in hotels or campsites. Taking part in the cycling trip, enjoy the benefits of civilization does not always succeed. This is due to the fact that the route may pass through such places, where there are none at all.

As a sport, there is also a cycling sport in which identified six categories of trips. Since the length of a bicycle trip of the first category must be at least 300 km.

Bicycle tourism in the west is very popular, and in some countries even started to develop a tourism business direction as adventure tourism. Travel companies have begun to organize trips to the most remote and exotic places - tropical forests, mountains and deserts. According to some estimates, every year nearly a million people travel to Europe on bicycles. In countries such as Switzerland, Italy, France, Spain, Germany, on bicycles traveling a lot of people, and the number of bicycles outnumber cars. For the convenience of cyclists on the roads are special lanes and parking of bicycles.

If you look at the development of cycling in Russia and Ukraine, it would attach very little attention. Anyone who enjoys cycling, should take care of everything himself. The first step is to plan travel route. Try to get it passed by the busy freeways and highways. It is necessary that a route passed through the back roads, dirt or asphalt, but in good condition. Such a route would be the most safe and the air is much cleaner. When drawing up the route to be calculated and the duration of time halts, given the physical abilities of participants in the campaign. Particular attention should be paid to gear that will protect the head, hands and feet. Clothing should be bright, to drivers of vehicles on the road could easily see you.
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