The British Museum

Frames, as astutely observed, Stalin, are everything. If I were asked who made the greatest contribution to the revolutionary cadres for Russia, I think I would answer - Queen Victoria.

This amazing woman was engaged in feverish social activity. She built a huge number of outstanding facilities, without which London is unthinkable.

But the art of playing the revolution and utopia, to draw on the living body of society, then there is the contribution of Queen Victoria in the construction of the famous British Library, British Museum reading room - a huge cylindrical room with a skylight, whose walls are lined with books.

This hall was built on a plan of the library curator Sir Anthony Panizzi project Smerka Sydney and for a long time was the largest reading room in the world. Here it's the fans rushed the subversive reading of the last century.

Then read and write, Karl Marx and Karl Liebknecht, and from Russian socialist-minded leaders - Alexander Herzen and Peter Kropotkin, George V. Plekhanov, Vera Zasulich, Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, Lev Davidovich Trotsky, Maxim Litvinov.

Was this a good revolutionary theory - special issue. But the British Library was very good. Not only comfortable and beautiful, but rich. Her collection grew rapidly and took the whole court of the British Museum, so that, eventually, they decided to make the library of the museum.

Been looking for a place at last found near the railway station Penkrass, then 25 years old built and finally opened. Now thinkers no longer sit in the British Museum. A museum in the shaft knocked tourists.

The most famous British architect Sir Norman Foster has cleared the yard of the museum and blocked it with a glass roof, creating an unprecedented magnitude and beauty of the atrium.

And at the heart of this aquarium light flaunts a round building reading room. It will not read, although there were some on the shelves of books, and the upper tier cupola is now surrounded on the outside the restaurant, so it is out of place in the heights of the dome space where angels soar fit or demons, are seen sitting at the windows of restaurants visitors.

Give it to God that he and a reading room over time, not turned into a drinking establishment.
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