The group planned tourism

Solely for economic reasons firms providing tourist services, are interested in a reasonable amount of the largest such services, capacity utilization. The greater the number of tourists served and more traffic, more profitable business, it is possible to reduce prices and increase the competitiveness of services in the tourist market. In order to intensify capacity utilization of tourism industry businesses of these enterprises introduced a substantial discount in the price for group travel services.

The concept of a group of tourists, in terms of its minimal size, depending on the type of tourist services. For example, some forms of transport group ticket and therefore the group discount price can be obtained when the number of tourist groups from 5-6 people. When placing the hotels offer group discounts for groups from 11 people. However, if this is an expensive business group, the minimum size can be defined as seven people.

With fewer tourists are classified as individual tourists and for them to establish normal rates and tariffs, and generally accepted as basic. For example, cost of service in the hotel: double occupancy for individual 55-60 USD per person for groups of tourists will be significantly lower price - 18-20 USD per person. Similar group discounts can be set for service in restaurants, museums, entertainment centers, etc. On some carriers, such as airlines for small groups of individuals, establish a special discount. For example, the family, the next trip, a family can receive special discount (ticket to the head of the family) family plan.

Individual tour group is always more expensive. However, tourists traveling on an individual basis, pretty much, and so prices in the catalogs of service companies are usually for individual tourists. Group discounts - an important component of the contract work the organizers of tourism. Therefore, in order to save often clever tourists, following on the guest invitations, bought a place in the group round, and then upon arrival out of the group, coming back later on their own. This is deeply irritating immigration, because on the one hand, the visit visa is usually more expensive tourism, establish a different, usually more rigid order of receipt and clearance. On the other hand, the tourist goes out of control services, controlling the guest's stay (length of stay, location, recruitment, compulsory exit visa in the specified time, etc.

The beginning of a planned group tourism put Thomas Cook. It was he who first coined to sell tourism services in the package: transportation, accommodation, excursions and meals. It turned out that such a complex service like tourists. Initially, the organization of such tourist trips were purely religious, but then start a business prevailed. Cook has created a tourism company, which was successfully developed. In 1841 they were organized river trips on the Thames, then he agreed with the railroad, and organized tours of the day off from Leicester to Liverpool and other cities in England. Through the organization of the planned tourist groups he managed to get a substantial discount in the price of the move by rail, accommodation and other services. In what was added to the excursions service hotel accommodation with meals, who in subsequent decisive.

These principles form the basis for the planning of tourism, the theory and practice pekidzh tours package-tour, package holiday, package travel. Thomas Cook has become a leading specialist in tourism and tourism company founded by the same name, which is now a true global empire, along with the American company American Express. Note that the two giant companies represent more than a financial institution than a tourist firm engaged as finance, insurance and other sectors of the tourism industry.

It should firmly grasp that group rates are always lower than the individual journey of 50% or more. Consequently, they are more beneficial for the mass tourist. Once uninformed employee tax services company in the next test was indignant and called tourist firms parasites. "Well, what they do, for they get the money? After a plane ticket I can buy and without them, and get a visa and come back and buy a hotel, let alone eat anywhere you can. "
Such a proposition is wrong in principle. Travel firm:
  • design a tourist route
  • completes a package of interrelated services of various agreed upon time, the level of quality and price, destination, that is organizing the most interesting tour
  • seek out a trusted partner in organizing the reception country visits,
  • achieves a lower price for the services by obtaining group discounts,
  • receives a visa support from its partner abroad
  • accompanies a traveler is responsible for it 
  • and ensures the safety of a tourist.
This difference in prices and bustle quickly understood by those who bought a timeshare in the Canary Islands. It seems profitable - 28 thousand USD for 25 years, or less than a thousand dollars for two, and in fact in my room Club Hotel can live and four. BUT!, You must obtain a visa yourself (tourist firm goes to the consulate of the queue, but you have to stand for days, daily inscribes sequence number on the arm with a ballpoint pen), the ticket purchase and own individual costs (individual rate three times higher than Group and club discounts are given only to foreign airlines), the airport in Tenerife, and the club is located on Lanzherotte, getting there is still 100 USD per person (and the same trip), you must annually (live, not live) to pay for prevention rooms, eat at an expensive restaurant, club (the club's poor do not live, as is well known, wealth in the middle-European, much higher than the average Russian citizen), take the car rental and ... so on to infinity. Specifically, the pleasure of a timeshare is good, but only for those who have money in abundance, even by Western standards. It should be noted that timeshare is bought by at least 10 years, and even at 25 or 50 years with right of succession, assignment, sale, pledge. Buying a marvel of high technology tourism must clearly understand their financial capabilities and the content of timeshare real circumstances of use of the acquisition in five years and beyond, and in the case of inheritance of children, to predict the same wealth, and for them - to cover the considerable costs, otherwise it will be the crown gifts kids as a "Trojan horse". For ordinary Russians, even capable of one-time fee to go on the cheap overseas resort - is completely inaccessible. Misunderstanding, or rather an inadequate assessment of their own real financial opportunities, led to many conflicts in this area of tourism.
1 Response
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