Amphitheater in Nimes

Amphitheatre (I century. BC) is one of the best preserved monuments in Europe, the Roman era. In the plan it is an ellipse, major axis length 133 m and 101 m. The height of a small external façade 21 meters Amphitheatre is divided into 60 sectors and 34 stories, where viewers were placed according to their social status. The elliptical shape and location of the series provide excellent visibility from any seat arena. On the upper stone blocks kept the holes for the poles on which was mounted awning that protected spectators from the sun, watching the gladiators fought with wild beasts. Five circular galleries, numerous flights of stairs and walkways to places provide good air circulation. After graduating from high representations amphitheater could leave easily.

In the Middle Ages, the amphitheater was used as a fortress, and in moments of danger served as a refuge for the population. It housed the castle viscounts of Nîmes, houses and two chapels, the water supply system. Reminiscent of this period two walled Romanesque windows in front of the Palace of Justice in Nimes Blvd. Aren.

To understand and appreciate what an enormous task set before him that Roman architects and courage with which they set about its execution, you need to climb to the upper cloister (hence the beautiful view of the city), as well as view a gallery of the first floor (note the the size of the jumper, which is based code), and part of the double gallery vault on the ground floor. The size of this structure is extremely impressive as the achievements of the builders of cutting stone blocks of this size, transportation and installation with such accuracy.

While visiting the amphitheater at any time, it is best to do it during a bullfight when the platform filled with spectators. It was a sight reminiscent of the past. Love the local population to fight bulls in the Spanish style is not withered within 150 years. The most popular bullfights are held after Trinity, and in September, when are the most famous bullfighter.

The first restoration of the amphitheater opened in 1809 by order of Napoleon. In the XIX century. all dwellings within demolished, and the amphitheater has acquired its original appearance.

Today, there are concerts, festivals, sporting events, the Camargue and Spanish bullfighting. Now, in the amphitheater can accommodate about seven thousand spectators.
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