
The most popular and famous resort city of Egypt, located 500 kilometers southeast of Cairo, is also the capital of the province of the Red Sea. 

Hurghada in Egypt has become a real tourist mecca because of the high level of service in hotels, warm weather all year round, as well as diversity and universality of the proposed leisure entertainment. We should also note that the hotel is very different class, so the rest of Hurghada will be affordable to people with different incomes. Explained with the hotel staff will not be difficult, since all its representatives explained reasonably enough in Russian, that is, Arabic language translator You do not need. A Hurghada hotels will delight you with its comfort and coziness.

The sandy beaches of Hurghada stretched nearly 40 miles on either side of the city, which can be roughly divided into three parts: El-Dahar (Old Town), Sakkala (New Town), hotel and resort area, which includes the already mentioned beaches. It is worth noting that despite the high summer temperatures, holiday in Hurghada will be comfortable even in the midst of August, because the proximity of the sea is compensated by the dry air of the desert and, therefore, heat (35 degrees, the water - 28 degrees) can be easily tolerated. The most appropriate period for the rest is spring and early summer (from late March to June), when the air temperature is 26-30 degrees, and water - 21-27 degrees. However, the rest in November and February will also be nice, because it allows you to comfortably visit the various attractions, such as: the temple complexes at Karnak and Luxor, Red Sea Aquarium, where you can observe various sea animals, desert safari in the jeep, AQUASTOP (special ships with underwater part of the large side windows), etc.

Naturally, these entertainments are available all year round, as opposed to those who are directly dependent on weather conditions, although the swimming season is not interrupted throughout the year: this contributes to the climate. Beaches, diving, water parks, nightclubs, discos and bars delight the tourists most of the year. Among the many different attractions in Hurghada is also noted its "Gold Souk", where you can buy affordable yet beautiful items made of precious metals. Palace of "A Thousand and One Nights," invites guests to nightly theatrical performance about life in ancient Egypt. Summarizing, we can say that here everyone can relax according to your taste.
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