Tourism - a phenomenon known to everyone. At all times our planet crossed many travelers and explorers. But only recently emerged as a tourism specific form of human activity. Each of us envisions tourism as an industry, more or less known, since we all went somewhere on vacation and away from home. Tourism - a relatively new phenomenon, which has, however, the roots in ancient times.

We have entered the market economy at a time when the international market have undergone significant changes with regard to tourism. Travel around the world has become one of the most important economic sectors, and for some developing countries - the foundation of their existence (Thailand, Cyprus, Malaysia, etc.).

Tourism is now one of the most dynamic sectors in both Ukrainian and world economy. Tourism - it is also a tourist enterprises, first of all tourist activity organizers and facilitators. Today the number of travel companies greatly increased, and tough competition forces them to occupy niches in the market. There are firms engaged in certain countries or areas, there are firms operating only on reception of tourists. There are those who work with groups, and those that organize trips for individual orders. There are tour operators who organize trips and all offer a discount to other tour agencies ready routes, and there are travel agents act as intermediaries between the tour operator and customer. For travel agents flock information about the different tours, from which they select the desired client and the most affordable.

What is tourism is by definition? The following material is just about the definition of tourism.
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