Business and corporate tourism

If you mention the terms of business tourism and corporate tourism of some twenty or thirty years ago, the interviewee could not understand what was going on. The concepts of business and corporate tourism appeared in connection with the globalization of world economy. In the developed foreign countries that happened in the 70 years 80hh XXgo century, but in Russia on business travel talk only in the early 90s. It was at this time, Russian companies were able to enter the global level.

Tour operators have realized that business tourism - it is not just one aspect of an individual tourist, but a separate niche tourism business, now what is called a horse. Today's leaders do not have to worry about organizing a business trip. Business Travel Professionals "turnkey" program are foreign travel, take care of all organizational matters, help with unforeseen situations.

It should be noted that now the workshops, exhibitions and business meetings do not always take place in the near and dear to European countries. Latin America and Africa rapidly infused confidence in the global economy and offer economically developed countries, many interesting things. For the head of business tourism in such distant countries may be associated with additional problems. Ignorance of local culture, language, traditions and business etiquette can put the head in an awkward position. For a business meeting is in principle unacceptable. People who go abroad on business, do not want to feel uncomfortable. Decisions in this area are often made depending on how confident is the head, as he puts himself and defends the interests of both their company. Confused and unsure of the representative of a large firm does not impress potential partners, so in matters of business travel can not forget about any details.

Today's travel agencies can provide a comfortable stay in the developing world and discover their best. With their help, the trip will be useful not only for business but also informative. Business travel can be combined with visits to various attractions, sightseeing and recreation. For every tourist so to make your schedule to find time for work and leisure.

It is clear that CEOs who have ties abroad, the people involved, and take the time to organize business travel, they can not. But! Each head is deputy secretary and a staff. The easiest option would be charged with organizing a trip to them. The problem is that the study of numerous proposals airlines compare hundreds of hotels, the choice of an interpreter, car rental and other essential aspects of the organization of the tour will not contribute to the effective implementation of the basic duties. The combination of duties to the case in which the employee does not understand anything, would lead to that success will not be achieved nor there, nor there. In addition, business tourism - this is how an important part of business that the organization does not trust her professional would be unforgivable. Scary to think what might result inattention while booking tickets or choose poorly located hotels. That is why all large companies have a long and successful working with one particular tour company that takes over the organization of overseas meetings, visits to exhibitions and seminars, staff travel and other aspects of business travel.

If we talk about business travel in general, business tourism is only one side of the coin. Now, looking at the foreign partners, large Russian companies are developing corporate tourism. While small firms have only just begun to include in its budget for the New Year "corporative" shark business can afford to organize seminars, training, and just a corporate holiday abroad.

What is interesting for the head of corporate tourism? The joint field visits in the first place, work on team building. One thing is communication within the office, and rare corporate events, and quite another - a joint holiday. For such trips usually made well thought-out program. In the schedule must include training and seminars, which are diluted with an extensive excursion program.

 Corporate Travel is different from the individual sound organization. Of course, the head is important that the staff had a rest and gather strength for labor achievements, but this is not enough. If you simply remove the entire staff, put them in a hotel and give complete freedom of action, the only time they will be together, it's at the airport. All split into interest groups, and these groups will be the same as in the office. The main idea of corporate tourism - to break these established groups and create one - and close-knit working team.

To achieve this goal is not enough to go to the hotel and periodically go on trips. Each day of rest must be thought out so that it operates on the result. Now the plot is very popular corporate tourism. Travel company organizing not just a trip, and adventure in the best tradition of Hollywood movies. All employees join the team, which should seek answers to the intricate puzzle, to reveal the insidious plans of corporate enemy and, ultimately, to reach the ultimate treasure. Such a program can be designed for one day, and can inspire employees to fly a two-week vacation. It should be noted that with proper organization of the work included even the biggest skeptics, and adults for a few days to forget that they have senior positions in major companies. From a certain moment they become the conquerors of the jungle, dangerous pirates or treasure hunters.

Corporate Travel for ordinary workers and top managers will be different. Middle managers, first and foremost, you need to teach and reveal to them all the ability to gather employees of the department into a single effective working mechanism. Corporate tourism-oriented leaders, has several other purposes. The person receiving the most important daily business decisions, from the rest is waiting for relaxation. Psychologists and coaches when working with such clients are trying to, first of all, relieve tension and relieve stress. The nature of such work in a top aide. An experienced trainer uses the natural beauty and harmony, to disable a top manager from the concrete jungle and the whole dipped in green. And when the head is completely exempt from the work really comes into it really challenges the idea. Often it is during such rest the fate of the company and completely changing the strategy of the department or entire organization.
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