Westminster Abbey

Until 1365 the British crown jewels, crown jewels and the treasury were kept in Westminster Abbey. The Treasury was in a dungeon under dormitoriem - a huge room with a wooden vaulted ceiling, which was once a bedroom in which monks and now available library.
Transitions and the chapel, located under dormitoriem - the oldest part of the Abbey, which is preserved in the XI century. This is the last thing that survived from the great stone church, built Anglo-Saxon king Edward the Confessor (1042-1066). His niece, Princess Gita became the wife of Vladimir Monomakh, the mother of the founder of Moscow, Yuri Dolgoruky. In the XIII century the temple was rebuilt, and the image of its original form is preserved only in the XI century embroidery - "a carpet of Bayeux." Preserved building of ancient treasures - the heavy arches on thick columns, trunks, which were stored in jewelry, high vaulted entrance to the massive double doors, lockable in the seven locks of huge bunch of keys. To get to the treasure can only be from the east gallery of the monastery courtyard, built in 1345 on the site of the old monastery cemetery.

Has long been considered: in this most inaccessible caves of the abbey, which never gets sunlight, can be reached only through a single, carefully guarding the entrance. But at the end of the XIX century during restoration work at Westminster Abbey in the wall of the royal treasure discovered another secret door. Here and there one could see her surviving pieces of white leather, which it was once lined with. To the dismay of investigators, the skin was human! And were able to establish who it belonged to ...
In the summer of 1303, when the English King Edward I Plantagenet (1272-1307) suppressed another rebellion in Scotland, abbot of Westminster Uenloh and 48 of his monks had entered into a criminal conspiracy. The temptation was too great - in the treasury at that time was money and jewelry in an amount equal to two annual budgets of the country. A few months robbers carried royal treasures on a secret track. The London merchant, Richard stapler Poudelikot helped to hide and sell stolen goods.
To the convent cemetery at the entrance to the treasury by order Uenloha sown hemp: its high bush had to hide from prying eyes dashing brothers travel to the cave and back with the precious cargo.
  One evening, Fr Benedict passed by, he found burglars in the act and tried to usovestit them. He was killed as a dangerous witness.
On the assurances of the modern museum of Westminster Abbey, the ghost of the murdered and still wanders through the galleries of the monastery courtyard between five and six o'clock in the evening. Claim that he is tall, thin, and the priestly vestments on him, both at the time of death. Under the low thrust monastic hood can be discerned dimly in the twilight sereyuschee pale face, a hooked nose, old, deep-set eyes. Sometimes it is on the move though quietly talking about something with myself. But to understand what he says is not possible.
By the fall of 1303 until the king had heard rumors of outrages, things happening in the abbey. He sent to Westminster a commission to investigate the circumstances of the case, which revealed the unprecedented scale of the looting of the treasury. Part of the stolen was found. Wherever it is not found! And in the north - in Northampton, and in the east - in Colchester, and in the south-east - in the cities of Kent, and in the homes of wealthy London merchants, and here in Westminster, near the walls of the cathedral, the burial crypts, where robbers staged a warehouse of stolen goods.
But something did not manage to find it. Perhaps some of the stolen treasures still lie unfound caches in the cemetery of St.. Margarita and in the walls of the abbey.
Criminals waiting for severe punishment - Edward I did not know the mercy of thieves. The verdict of the royal court with Richard Poudelikota flayed alive and nailed to a secret door in the treasury frighten all who go, thought of following in his footsteps. Skin flap was unhappy and still can be seen, they are particularly well preserved under the iron bars a secret door. Only a spiritual title saved his accomplices Westminster monks and their abbot from a similar fate. The death penalty was replaced by his imprisonment in the Tower of London.
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