At the peak of pleasure

Many people now prefer to mountain ski holiday sea. You're not one of them? This is because you have not been to Tirol in the Austrian Alps! Now is the time to go there to get a good portion of the positive, adrenaline and happiness and to discover new hobbies.

Firstly, there is very beautiful: well-groomed meadows and beautiful forests, snow-capped mountains, clean air and contented life Ladybugs "Milk". In all of this ecological paradise, live happy Tyroleans who do not spend time and effort to podschityvanie calories and calculating glycemic index diets do not pace yourself, and instead have fun in the evenings trapeznichat sausages with sauerkraut, squeezed all the large chunks of beer. And sing in a special way: without the words, alternating between chest and falsetto sound. Yodling said.

And of course, everyone knows that the Alps - is a wonderful place for lovers of all kinds of ski resorts and there is great where you can cool to spend time.

That's roughly the range of information and has been for me, when I set off for three days in a nice Tyrolean town of Sölden at the invitation of the Austrian Tourist Board.

Kiev - Innsbruck

Like everything else in Austria, the road to Sölden was easy and pleasant. Travel from Kiev takes about 3.5 hours of flight (Kiev - Vienna - Innsbruck), and about an hours drive from Innsbruck to Sölden. Innsbruck is one of the most beautiful cities in Europe, and even a bird's eye it is difficult to disagree. The capital and heart of Tyrol, the city is located at the foot of one of the most important Alpine passes Brenner. The fact is that Innsbruck is situated at an altitude of 575 m above sea level, and the height of the surrounding mountains in the north and the south more than 2,500 m, so by watching the approach of aircraft to the runway Innsbruck airport, you can not restrain exclamations of admiration.

On the road from Innsbruck, Sölden I am pleased to admire the beautiful landscape of the Austrian Alps. Snowy mountain giants towering to the sky, and up there, where your eyes look painful, dazzling glitter under the sun eternal glaciers. And beneath them lie the alpine meadows with silky grass. Driving past small villages, willy-nilly, remember the village of hobbits saga "Lord of the Rings" - they are neat and incredibly beautiful. Alpine villages of small houses evoke the feeling of complete tranquility, confidence and ease. Even though what they are made from natural stone. Alpine Village - a combination of fantastic scenery, clean air, quietness and confidence in the future.

Ötztal Valley is known for its most alpine resorts in Austria: Sölden (1377 m), Fenty (1900 m), Obergurgl (1930 m), Hoch-Sölden (2050 m), Hochgurgl (2,150 m), which holds the record for attendance. Valley itself has a fantastic variety of landscapes: level areas are replaced by steep gorges of the mountain rivers, gorges give way to the icy peaks of glaciers. Solden is the principal town of the valley.

History as Sölden ski resort is relatively new. In the first half of last century in a small village Hohzelden, which is situated at an altitude of 2090 meters, the locals began to build small huts specifically for tourists wishing to enjoy the beauty of Alpine scenery and ride on pristine mountain slopes. To date, Solden is the largest resort in the valley of Ötztal, an internationally recognized center of mountaineering and skiing. It always live a little less than three thousand people, guests also have up to eight and a half thousand. The explanation for the popularity of Sölden is the fact that this small village in the past - the company invested in a ski Tyrol, and all efforts aimed at owners of the resort is that each guest vacation here was comfortable, exciting and unforgettable.

Austrian Alps and even below the neighboring West Italian, Swiss and French, but have special climatic conditions. This is due to high natural moisture content and more northerly position of the country. While on winter low temperature is the exceptional quality of snow. Despite the abundance of sunny days, the valley Ötztal famous throughout Europe thanks to the perfect snow, which falls in November (as a whole ski season lasts until April, some of the same highest peaks - all year round). In Sölden there are just three mountain peaks, whose height is greater than 3000 m above sea level. The first peak, which captivate skiers Gayslahkogelya - 3058 m, on a scale Ötztal seems small, it is followed Tifenbahkogel - 3309 m. The highest - Schwarze Shnayde, the height of 3370 m. Three of these peaks are called BIG3. They are combined with modern cableway. On each of trehtysyachnikov now have an observation deck, which rises in a convenient and reliable gangway, entrenched in the snow. The latest news in the equipping of mountain slopes and complete mastery of advanced BIG3 finally Sölden Ötztal-and arena in the league champions of Alpine skiing.

The observation deck is Gayslahkogelya near the main ski lift. By design, it resembles a UFO, which stands for long, like a spider legs. When you stand on the central platform of the observation deck, it seems that you dived straight into a piercing blue sky and snow-wrapped mountains.

Good physical condition required conquerors Schvartse Shnayde, which rises to 3370 m. The observation deck on top of this peak is 120 meters up the serpentine road to the lift. Go, I confess honestly, seriously, and halfway automatically start to rebel: "Why go any further, if all around and so insanely beautiful?" But when at last climb, you get triple pleasure: first, a simple human happiness, that it was "torture" ended, and secondly, proud to be a strong force of will possess, and thirdly - you can start such a fantastic view, for which we could go again and the same!

No wonder that in such circumstances, the crowd of skiers like a cluster of happy people with mad delight and excitement eyes. Trails are located with a vertical drop of three kilometers from the forest zone to the zone of glaciers. For every taste: the most complex, "black" - 23 km, the "red" line, for already experienced skiers - 73 km, and the most simple, "blue", - 45 km in length. All ski areas are connected by a competent network of lifts, which, incidentally, thirty-four. Cabin lift - with re-sealable plastic caps, soft seats, so that up or down - a pleasure even for those who are afraid of heights.
Mountains for "Dummies"

If skiers at lifts feel confident and at once found on which to ski slopes, the newcomers are in complete confusion. To do this in Sölden, as well as in other resorts, there are schools that teach not only the right to go skiing, but also orient in the field. Skiing - technically not an easy sport, accordingly, it is important to understand that our body does, as it does and how it should look at this. Ski school instructors in Sölden offer so-called "beginner package" - skis, boots, poles and a few lessons in six days, 4 hours each (for the time you put on the skis). It really helps when experienced instructor tells what gear to select. If you buy a group lesson, then you will be in the company of another person 07.11. Instructors recommend training in a group like the best option, as for beginners 4 hours a day in a group of physically and mentally to move much easier than private lessons. Group courses are another important psychological moment. Very often, when you start to do something new, at the first desire to continue employment difficulties can pass. There are thoughts of their own ineptitude and awkwardness, disappointment in their own abilities and capabilities. In the group you will be able to watch such as you, newcomers, and understand that you are not the most hopeless option.
Apres ski

Not far from Innsbruck, in the town of Wattens, in the cave is a fabulous museum of "Swarovski Crystal Worlds." This is an underground fantasy with seven interconnected rooms. Once you enter through a giant head with glowing eyes, immediately see a huge 12-ton wall, lined with artificial crystals. In other rooms you can wander in "Planet of Crystals" with a light 3D-moy. In the Crystal Dome you will understand what it means to be inside a giant crystal. In the Crystal Theater unfolds the magic world of color, mystery and graceful movement. In the museum you can see the largest and smallest crystals crystal world and works of art created by many celebrities - from Salvador Dali to Andy Uoohola.

One of the indisputable advantages holiday in Sölden - famous Austrian apres ski. In principle, apres ski is not just a traditional beer, punch and mulled wine in between downs, but all life on the resort after an active day of skiing. Hungry skiers happy and looking forward to a tasty meal, enjoy life, but about the atmosphere of unity of people, dedicated the wonderful world of skiing. Numerous bars and restaurants in the mountains not only offer delicious Austrian cuisine and excellent local wine and beer, but also give a sense of celebration. The combination of smiling people in suits with bright beautiful scenery of stunning beauty creates a special aura positive.

Nightlife in Sölden rages not less than in any city. And though a late visit to the bars will have to pay 04.05 euros, it's worth it. I really liked the bar at the bottom of the lift Hinterher Giggijoch (Gigieh). People packed clearly more than was intended for construction, but a lot of fun and noisy. Schirmbar the hotel Liebe Sonne - another wonderful place in which guests are dancing establishments directly in ski boots. In Lawine with live rock 'n' roll music. If you want something more sophisticated and therefore expensive, go to the Alibi Bar. There, too, can dance, but in a more relaxed atmosphere. But the Austrian exotic awaits you in Joslkeller, Hexenkuchl (hotel Jenewein) and in Austria Keller (Hotel Austria). In these areas will enjoy a mind-pa-pa music and big mugs of beer.
Time for Beauty

Skiing, of course, skiing, mountain mountains, and a good SPA-center - it's great. At 15 km from Sölden in the village Lengenfeld there is something on the form which captures the spirit of another entrance. A beautiful hotel Aqua Dome and around the SPA-center with three large bowls, basins in the street, which seemed to hover above the ground. At one end of the hydrogen sulphide water, the other two - thermal. The whole design of this futuristic complex designed according to feng shui, that arrived here guests can fully restore your strength, improve your health and get energized for the future. At the entrance stands a huge elephant, made of twigs. It symbolizes the return of people to our roots, to the primitive pleasures of life, the harmony between man and nature Tyrol.

This complex is a luxury hotel, with its windows - a wonderful landscape.

The hotel is connected to the SPA-center heated underground passage. Going away to terms, you are faced with four elements: fire, water, air and earth. In the Aqua Dome you have the opportunity to enjoy the world of wellness. Here is a wonderful beauty center "Morning Dew", which is the master in his work using products of the brand Shiseido. A sauna lovers will be happy when he found himself in the complex "11yl glaciers." Ground sauna, hay sauna, air sauna, soleparilka return balance of life forces. Here there is a bath of herbs and a pool of ice water.

In addition to the joys of life for adults, there is also a children's area called "Alpine Noah's ark." There is a swimming pool in the form of a ship with two decks and a pile length of 90 m, the wall of the young mountain climber, a room for novice builders, restaurant, plus a team of animators who look after a child while mom and dad relax in the other basins of the complex.

We spent Aqua Dome 5:00 and did not want to leave. It is difficult to leave the place where you are very good and everything like that. However, the Tyrol did not want to leave too. Crystal clear air, which can not breathe, help me not only to survive the earthquake without serious consequences, because there are so many beautiful and interesting, but also transformed me. And now, by writing his story about this remarkable journey, I know that will change his habit of resting on the sea for the benefit of the mountains.
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