Palace of Pierrefonds

When you look at the palace, it seems - that he was a real medieval castle: thick walls, defensive towers, gates and powerful, even a small village at the foot of the castle hill. But the most striking buildings all date from the XIX century.

The first castle here arose during the Carolingian period. Later, Pierre-background was a part of the duchy of Valois. During the Hundred Years' War, Louis d'Orléans (brother of Charles VI) rebuilt it and turned into a chain of fortifications that stretched between the rivers Oise and Urk. The fortress was dismantled in the reign of Louis XIII. Then the ruins of a castle bought Napoleon I. In 1857, Louis Napoleon commissioned architect. Viollet-le-Duc to build on the site of the ruins anything romantic, but after 4 years the emperor for updating residence.

Viollet-le-Duc built a neo-Gothic palace (the fortress of Louis d'Orleans preserved base of the wall and towers), which is perhaps more Gothic than Gothic itself. Of course, critics are right when they say that the building had been violated and historical accuracy, and the architectural canon, but the palace was very beautiful.

Around the Papal Palace

Near the palace - the Romanesque Cathedral of Notre-Dame-de-Dome, which has undergone numerous changes. Here are buried Pope Benedict XII and Pope John XXII. Inside the cathedral, the bishop's chair is kept out of white marble in the XII.

Before the papal palace is an architectural complex of the Mint (Baroque, 1619), now there is a conservatory.

Church of Saint-Pierre with a Gothic facade and Renaissance decor, designed by the architect. Garsina F. (1512). The entrance to the temple through the majestic portal with two carved wooden doors (walnut, height 4 m). On the right door - "The Annunciation" on the left - "St. Michael and St. Jerome ". Inside the church are worthy ornate Gothic stone pulpit and altar barrier (1526).

Little Palace Museum

The palace was the residence of the bishop and archbishop in XIV-XV centuries. But in our time here is presented an outstanding collection of Italian paintings XIII-X / 1 cc.

Calvet Museum. Located in the elegant mansion of Villeneuve-Martignano (1741-1754). Exhibited a large archaeological collection from prehistoric to Roman times and the painting of XVI-XX centuries.

Bridge St Benešov

Bridge construction began in 1177 and was completed in January 1185 Bridge straddles both arms of the Rhone (length 900 m, 22 arches). In 1226, the bridge was almost completely destroyed, then partly rebuilt, but in 1680 finally abandoned. We have heard four arches with a small chapel on the second pillar.

The legend of St. Benešov (he was canonized.) Benešov was a shepherd. One day he heard a heavenly voice that told him to go to Avignon and build a bridge across the Rhone. The boy had never abandon their native hills, on the way met an angel who took him to the bishop of Avignon. By checking the boy, the bishop ordered him to lift the boulder, which was so heavy that even 30 men could not move him, but Benešov, which gained sudden miraculous power, and lifted him easily, put it on the bank of the river and said: "This boulder is the essential foundation of the bridge" . A crowd of people who had gathered behind the meantime, was covered by an indescribable delight: immediately organized a fundraiser that brought 5 thousand gold poor.


At the time of Philip the Fair VI was built a small fortress (the fragments of the tower). At the same time, John built the Pious on the hill fortress of Saint-Andre, who had the status of abbey. Protected by walls with beautiful gates, this large architectural complex is visible from the Romanesque chapel of Notre-Dame-de-Belveze. In the foreground - the gate of Saint-Andre, and beyond them, far away on the shore - the Papal Palace.

Chartreuse du Val-de-Benedikson

was the largest and most important monastery of the Order of the Cartesians in France.

The interior of the Fontainebleau

The halls are open for inspection, occupy two floors of the castle. On the first floor apartments are small (22 rooms), Beauty and the Chinese Museum of the Empress Eugenie. On the second floor, large apartments and rooms of the Renaissance, Inner apartments of Napoleon I and the Museum of Napoleon I. Examination organized so that a visitor to the ladder of artificial marble falls primarily to the halls of the 2nd floor. In the lobby of the historic stained glass and gallery are two vases II era of the Empire. The walls of the historic picture on a plan of Napoleon III, were decorated with paintings on historical themes, but only managed to paint the ceiling (emblems). Now here exhibited several paintings, which depicted the events that took place in the palace in its entire history. This is followed by gallery plates, built under Louis Philippe, who ordered the wooden trim insert plate 123 of the Sevres factory with paintings on historical themes.

Castle of Chambord

First floor

Here is the entrance to the chapel (west wing), the entrance to the Royal (east) wing, the exhibition of carriages and exhibition of sculpture

Second floor

Chambers of Francis I are in the east wing. It is easy to see the many images of lilies and salamanders (royal heraldic symbol) used in the external and internal decoration. The Royal hall at the time of Francis to use all of the wing, but in the eighteenth century. it was divided into several rooms. It was reconstructed in the XVI furnishings. - Beds, chests, fireplace.


Active construction began at Versailles in 1664, when Louis XIII chateau significantly refurbish. At the same time, work began in the park. As a man who loved flowers, Louis XIV took to create the most active part of the park. The western pit he planned out himself, though not without a great gardener Le Nôtre, who admired since childhood. The Grand Canal began to dig in 1668, and in 1669 completed the construction of the first floor of the new palace. The original palace of Louis XIII (Palace of the Father} preserved and expanded through the extension of the wings (architect Left and Lebrun). Levo died in 1670 and continued the general management of Lebrun and Mansart, who in 1670's added a corps, which formed the royal court. He also created the wings, off to the north and south of the palace.

Thus was formed a promising composition: the palace of Louis XIII - Marble Court - Royal Court - the front yard.

Astronomical clock

Of undoubted interest is the astronomical clock - a complex engineering structure height of 30 m, which combines in its design of Gothic and Renaissance features. They were established in the south transept in 1570 K. The mechanism designed Dazipodius. After the revolution, the clock stopped and stood until 1842, when JB Shvilge, adding to the construction of the planetarium and the church calendar, re-launched the mechanism. Every quarter of an hour is a "small representation": the figures, symbolizing the change of the four ages pass before the figure of Death. Every hour an angel turns the hourglass. In astronomical noon (1230) figures of the Apostles, turning, passing by Jesus, the triple cry of a rooster recalls the denial of Peter. Watch this idea can only be entered (input 1 €, © 11.55-12.40) in the cathedral through the south (the oldest, is decorated with a clock) portal, which is decorated by famous world figures: "The Church" and "synagogue" (copy). North portal of the cathedral is called the Portal of the Magi, he performed in a realistic manner, characteristic of the late Middle Ages.

Amphitheater in Nimes

Amphitheatre (I century. BC) is one of the best preserved monuments in Europe, the Roman era. In the plan it is an ellipse, major axis length 133 m and 101 m. The height of a small external façade 21 meters Amphitheatre is divided into 60 sectors and 34 stories, where viewers were placed according to their social status. The elliptical shape and location of the series provide excellent visibility from any seat arena. On the upper stone blocks kept the holes for the poles on which was mounted awning that protected spectators from the sun, watching the gladiators fought with wild beasts. Five circular galleries, numerous flights of stairs and walkways to places provide good air circulation. After graduating from high representations amphitheater could leave easily.

In the Middle Ages, the amphitheater was used as a fortress, and in moments of danger served as a refuge for the population. It housed the castle viscounts of Nîmes, houses and two chapels, the water supply system. Reminiscent of this period two walled Romanesque windows in front of the Palace of Justice in Nimes Blvd. Aren.


In-le-Vicomte, in many ways anticipated the ensemble of Versailles, was built for syurinten Dante N. Fouquet on salary received by him for his loyal service to the state. Friend of a generous officer, has a delicate taste, there were artists and architects, which allowed him to create a To-le-Vicomte castle and grand garden, which is one of the most striking works of French classical architecture of the XVII century. We have created a masterpiece of architect L. Left (1612-1670), painter Charles Lebrun (1619-1690), who participated in the decoration of palace interiors and ceiling murals, and a master of landscape ikusstva A. Le Nôtre (1613-1700). To stake out the garden Fouquet invited the 18 thousand people, and it cost the arrangement of the Minister of 16 million livres. But Fouquet did not enjoy it summer resident. August 17, 1661 the opening of the new home of the castle and Fouquet. Participating in this event, Louis XIV, was stunned by the magnificence of the residence and sincerely interested in, where did syurintendanta so much money. Fouquet spent the rest of his life in prison in the fortress Pinerol.

Fontevraud Abbey

This is one of the largest surviving medieval abbeys of Europe was founded as a mixed men's and women's monastery in 1099 by Robert de Arbriselem, Benedictine, that his preaching was able to turn to the Lord and to unite in the faith of monks, nuns, lepers, beggars, nobles and prostitutes. A church was built the abbey at the end of the XII century.

Since the founding of the monastery headed by women only - abbess. And usually they came from wealthiest families Anjou. This made it particularly popular among the abbey ladies. For a long time patron of Fontevraud Alenora Aquitaine.

Abbey of Saint - Michel

To get to the buildings of the abbey, the need to reach the end of the Grand rue and then climb the stone stairs. Most of the rooms can be viewed independently, but in the ticket price includes hour excursion (French and English. Lang.). 8 day tour is 5.6. The last start for half an hour before closing.

The layout is not typical of the abbey. She is originally form the rocks and the scarcity of building land. The monks were forced to deploy elements of the architectural complex of each other. The peak of this kind of medieval "skyscraper" became the church and abbey buildings band La Merv - Miracle. Construction materials on the rock was not there. Stones and bricks were brought here by sea at high tide, and then dragged with ropes to the summit.

Manhattan on the Thames

We know that in London takes place every year more and more financial and commercial transactions than any other city in the world. However, until recently, this business activity is not conspicuous. Offices of lawyers and bankers were in the low buildings within the old downtown of London - City.

But soon the City would have to go into the shadows. To the east of London is growing a new business center, on a scale comparable perhaps only to the lower Manhattan, the financial district of New York.

Attempts to create here in the old abandoned docks, Business Center made more than once, but due to financial downturns deal stalled, and the plans reduced to more or less conventional-scale residential areas.


Barbican means a lot in the life of the capital of Great Britain, and indeed in the history of the last century. Once at the site of this residential area was probably an outpost (hence its name "Barbican" - watch-tower). It is no coincidence here the remains of the ancient Roman city wall since the occupation.

In 1940, the area of small shops and stores had been completely razed to the ground by German bombers.

After the war, would be advantageous to sell it to traders and banks, but it was decided to build here a modern residential area with schools, cultural center, indoor gardens, and other services relying Residential District.

Russian Constructivism

The famous Russian architect Berthold Lyubetkin was constructivist, the architect of socialist, leftist, like his ideological allies - voice, Melnikov and Ginsburg.

In contrast to Russian, English and like bricks do not like concrete. But it was a favorite material of concrete Constructivist architects, one way or another shared the socialist ideals, for example, the great Frenchman Le Corbusier.

Berthold Lyubetkin was born in Tbilisi, but he studied in Moscow, in particular, in the Higher Art - then forge the modern art and architecture. Having to serve in the Red Army in 1922 he left Russia, and has since resided in the West - first in Germany, then France and finally in 1931 in England.

The British Museum

Frames, as astutely observed, Stalin, are everything. If I were asked who made the greatest contribution to the revolutionary cadres for Russia, I think I would answer - Queen Victoria.

This amazing woman was engaged in feverish social activity. She built a huge number of outstanding facilities, without which London is unthinkable.

But the art of playing the revolution and utopia, to draw on the living body of society, then there is the contribution of Queen Victoria in the construction of the famous British Library, British Museum reading room - a huge cylindrical room with a skylight, whose walls are lined with books.

City Hall

We are accustomed to the fact that buildings like City Hall - it's boring offices, which sit in boring bureaucrats and do boring paperwork. Outside such buildings generally resemble huge stone or glass boxes in which to greater effect sometimes arrange some stone portal, so that a visitor from the entrance felt awe before the majesty of gradonachalstva. And then - some nedorazrezanny watermelon glass!

Critics wrote that the mayor of Greater London Ken Livingstone wanted this building to say that the municipal work - not dead, but a living thing, and that he is no stranger to the propensity of originality and humor.


Giant construction of Stonehenge - a stone puzzle at the heart of Europe, as this wonderful monument named one of the researchers Dr. Trever Umlmor. This ancient structure is located in England, archaeologists have now agreed that this architectural monument built in three phases between 3500 and 1100's. BC Stonehenge I was a circular ditch with two rooms, and perhaps served as a cemetery. In a circle along the outer shaft 56 are small funeral "Aubrey holes", so named in honor of John Aubrey, who first described them in the XVII century. To the north-east of the entrance to the ring stood a huge, seven-Heel Stone. During the construction of Stonehenge II was built earthen walkway between the Heel stone and the entrance. Had been erected two rings of 80 huge blocks of stone blue, which probably brought over 320 km from South Wales. In the final phase of construction was a permutation of megaliths. The blue stones are replaced by a circular colonnade of 30 trilitov, each of which consisted of two upright stones and build on the horizontal plate. Inside the ring was installed horseshoe of five detached trilitov.

The National Gallery

The National Gallery was founded, thanks to King George IV, who demanded the government to acquire a collection of 38 paintings, among whom were six works of Hogarth. Paintings by Rubens, Rembrandt and other Flemish, Dutch and Italian Renaissance artists were acquired later on as the gallery has expanded. Today she is the center of world art. Near the National Gallery is the National Portrait Gallery, which is one of the first to recognize the role of photography in art. In 1897. opened Tate Gallery, which houses a collection of works of British artists, including Turner. The collection dates back to 1850. and includes a picture of Hogarth, Blake, artists' pre-Rafaelistov "and the Impressionists. The walls are decorated restaurant Rex Uaystlerom and bronze statues by sculptor Henry Moore's stand near the museum. The British Museum, one of the largest museums in the world, was founded by a bequest of Sir Hans Sloane at 1753g. When he insisted that Parliament has acquired its art collection, works of ancient art and natural history for 20,000 pounds, which was much lower than the present price . At the same time acquired a collection of manuscripts Harleyna, and January 15 1759g. A new museum was opened, but only for a few people. In 1823. The Royal Library was built, which later added onto the new premises and a round reading room under the big copper dome. In the museum are ancient works of art, from the newly discovered treasures of the Roman period to the copies of the "Magna Carta", the Parthenon sculptures and ancient Egyptian mummies.

Tower of London

In the book, devoted to 900 anniversary of the Tower, the Duke of Edinburgh, wrote that "in its history, the Tower of London and was a fortress and palace, and royal jewelry store, and an arsenal and a mint and a prison, and an observatory, and a zoo, and a place that attracts tourists. " First, the royal family lived in a highly secure White Tower, the thickness of the walls of which reaches I5 feet. The so-called "gate traitors", leading to the river, reminiscent of the past, when before they were famous prisoners sentenced to death. Among the prisoners were Sir Walter Raleigh, who spent 13 years in the Tower, and Queen Anne Boleyn. But the future Queen Elizabeth 1 was released and crowned. Judging by the documentary evidence of the sufferings of the prisoners in the days of the Reformation mistreatment became the norm. A collection of royal jewelry was dismantled, but with the return of the monarchy Stuart revived the original idea of the museum in memory of the military achievements of the King and country. In 1834. royal menagerie was moved to the zoo, and the Tower Ravens were left alone. 

Westminster Abbey

Until 1365 the British crown jewels, crown jewels and the treasury were kept in Westminster Abbey. The Treasury was in a dungeon under dormitoriem - a huge room with a wooden vaulted ceiling, which was once a bedroom in which monks and now available library.
Transitions and the chapel, located under dormitoriem - the oldest part of the Abbey, which is preserved in the XI century. This is the last thing that survived from the great stone church, built Anglo-Saxon king Edward the Confessor (1042-1066). His niece, Princess Gita became the wife of Vladimir Monomakh, the mother of the founder of Moscow, Yuri Dolgoruky. In the XIII century the temple was rebuilt, and the image of its original form is preserved only in the XI century embroidery - "a carpet of Bayeux." Preserved building of ancient treasures - the heavy arches on thick columns, trunks, which were stored in jewelry, high vaulted entrance to the massive double doors, lockable in the seven locks of huge bunch of keys. To get to the treasure can only be from the east gallery of the monastery courtyard, built in 1345 on the site of the old monastery cemetery.


The most popular and famous resort city of Egypt, located 500 kilometers southeast of Cairo, is also the capital of the province of the Red Sea. 

Hurghada in Egypt has become a real tourist mecca because of the high level of service in hotels, warm weather all year round, as well as diversity and universality of the proposed leisure entertainment. We should also note that the hotel is very different class, so the rest of Hurghada will be affordable to people with different incomes. Explained with the hotel staff will not be difficult, since all its representatives explained reasonably enough in Russian, that is, Arabic language translator You do not need. A Hurghada hotels will delight you with its comfort and coziness.

Marsa Alam

This is not a new resort (opened in the 80s of last century), located 240 kilometers south of Hurghada, is ideal for those wishing to learn to scuba diving. There are already 10 years of experience diving school, especially since the coast provide diving opportunities at various levels of complexity. Education in its hold on PADI standards for divers has 30 guest rooms in a building of this school. It will be interesting to both beginners and professionals diving and snorkeling. Professional instructors will help you acquire the necessary skills in this sport. The programs of diving in Marsa Alam include morning and afternoon dive, dive in the Dolphins House (Bay reef "Dolphin House"), where you can find 40-50 species of dolphins, as well as boating on the sea with the sinking.

Sharm el-Sheikh

Sharm el-Sheikh - Egyptian is the oldest resort on the Red Sea, built in the middle of the XX century. Now the local population of this city has about 20 000 inhabitants, mostly men, employed in the service and hospitality industry. It is south of the Sinai Peninsula (ie, in the Asian part of the country, not in Africa) and, as the name implies, is located in the bay. It should be noted this feature of the resort, as the shelly beaches - the coastal zone is not cleared of coral and shells, so all bathed with pontoons, that's not very convenient for small children, but it's good for scuba divers.

In general, the Sharm el-Sheikh in Egypt from the beginning is very attracted to divers, as there is a national park of Ras Mohammed, whose purpose - to preserve the unique underwater world of the Red Sea. This has made this resort specializing in scuba diving, there are a lot of attention paid to ease of diving, training novices and even has a Center for Hyperbaric Medicine, where we study the effect of diving on the health of divers.

Attractions in Turkey

No matter what city you were in Turkey, Turkey excursion nemperemenno you will be pleasantly surprised!
Ankara - The Museum of Anatolian Civilizations, the old town around the citadel.
Istanbul in the first place is famous Hagia Sophia, converted into a mosque. Particularly noteworthy semibashenny Edikule castle, palace hexene, marble tower, aqueduct Valentine 4., A fortress on the banks of the Bosphorus, the Topkapi Palace complex, museums - ancient, conquerors, Oriental Antiquities, Turkish and Islamic art, and others, the Church of St. Irene, Choral monastery church, the Church of the Blessed Virgin, as well as mosques - Ahmed (Blue Mosque), Mikrimahi, Selim, the Conqueror, Bayezid, Suleiman, Eyüp, etc., underground palaces, water reservoirs.

Tourism in Turkey

Tourism in Turkey is one of the most profitable businesses. The resort of Side, Turkey has become a place traditionally a family holiday. Belek in Turkey - the place is very good five-star hotels, and (just between us) neochen good sea. Keep this in mind, please, if you choose the hotel. Kemer - a place of gatherings, youth and the best clubs in Turkey. In general, the Turkish sea in Kemer purity comparable to red. Turkish tour operators regularly organize trips to Russian tourists in Kemer, discos, often with the participation of Russian stars.

Tourism in Brazil

The last ten years the Brazilian government attaches great importance to the tourism industry as the most important sectors of the economy. Of particular importance in this industry has an international tourism.

Brazil, which has a huge, perhaps the world's largest tourism potential, has long been virtually closed country. It was only after the transfer of military power and the transition to democratic rule in the early 90s of last century, in Brazil, began the development of international tourism.


There are many definitions of a tourist, which reflect the focus of regulation and certain economic interests of the state of origin. Actually on this definition, experts are working more than 50 years. The first definition of a tourist was formed in 1937. special committee of the League of Nations.

In 1963. at the UN conference on international tourism in Rome (Rome Conference Definition) addressed issues of tourism definitions. Adopted the following definition for the tourist: tourist - temporary visitors staying at least 24 hours in the country visited and the purpose of whose journey can he classified as
  • (A) leisure, i.e. recreation, holiday, health, study, religion or sport; or
  • (B) business,
  • (C) family,
  • (D) missions; or
  • (E) meeting.


Planned tourism is the main component of the various businesses and entrepreneurs, in general, these enterprises belong to the category of tourist companies. The most common division into two categories, tour operators and travel agents.

Tour operator creates, promotes and sells wholesale tourism product. Wholesale or retail - a moot point. Tour operators, of course, consider it their prerogative to sell in any way. But - by all the canons of the theory of tourism - the tour operator has to sell the tourism product wholesale - that is, tourist agencies, and, if you want to sell to tourists, then create their central travel agency. Travel Agency implements tourism product at retail actually tourists.

Amateur tourism

If tourists are costing the organization of their trip without the participation of the organizers of tourism, in this case - is tourism (and all its variants) - the amateur.Amateur tourism - a specific kind of tourist public (recreational) activities carried out on a voluntary basis without the participation of amateur (or without participation in the main part of the travel arrangements), the organizers of tourism (tour operators and travel agencies).

Amateur tourism based on the activities of individuals and small tourist groups, voluntary tourism associations, unions and tourist clubs that voluntarily participate in the organization and implementation of tourism, publish their own regulations governing tourist activities, conduct tours, tourist gatherings and competitions, publish their own Tourism methodical literature and periodicals. There is a judicial body that sets the title of the active participants of categorical tourism: mountain climbing, biking, boating canoeing, boating, rafting, etc.

Individual tourism planning

Certain of the tourists prefer to travel individually, on its own program.

This is a young, wandering through the world during the holidays, or tourists who think they can do to plan your trip cheaper. A special group of wealthy, wealthy tourists and nouveau riche, ordering luxury Alcazar, Parador, or entire floors in hotels, limousines, yachts, individual aircraft. Among the latter there are compatriots.

There are specialized tourist agencies that serve tourists, individuals, such as a family. They order the custom service packages for their design special programs, book tourist services. This, of course, is time-consuming for the organizers, and such services are not cheap. Professionally working tourist firm organizes group tours of 10-15 standardized on several fronts, designed for the mass tourist, and also comply with any orders of tourists-individuals.

The group planned tourism

Solely for economic reasons firms providing tourist services, are interested in a reasonable amount of the largest such services, capacity utilization. The greater the number of tourists served and more traffic, more profitable business, it is possible to reduce prices and increase the competitiveness of services in the tourist market. In order to intensify capacity utilization of tourism industry businesses of these enterprises introduced a substantial discount in the price for group travel services.

The concept of a group of tourists, in terms of its minimal size, depending on the type of tourist services. For example, some forms of transport group ticket and therefore the group discount price can be obtained when the number of tourist groups from 5-6 people. When placing the hotels offer group discounts for groups from 11 people. However, if this is an expensive business group, the minimum size can be defined as seven people.

Planned tourism

In its internal organization differs on the nature of tourism planning and amateur.

Planned tourism - all kinds of tourism in an organized manner, developed and implemented by the organizers of tourism, ie tourism enterprises. Planned tourism is regulated by the state laws and regulations. It is the basis of the global industry of mass tourism.

On the basis of long-term study of the needs emerged quite clear in its content package of tourist services, included in almost any tour package - booking, transportation, accommodation, meals, entertainment. These are the basic components of any tour. Depending on the type and variety of tourism and share the cost of each component can be different or even not exist at all. Planned tourism provides that all these elements of the tour will meet the same goal, harmoniously complement each other and just be time-bound, that is to follow one after the other phases of program execution. Soviet apologists tourism science was even invented so-called policy tours. Tour must be strictly maintained in an ideological way. If the mausoleum (the house-museum, the house-barn, the house-tent, name) is visited, then tour the software and has proper priority, if not visited, then the other. Loyalty to the organizers of tourism to the ideas of the political system was evaluated by the number of program stages.

At the peak of pleasure

Many people now prefer to mountain ski holiday sea. You're not one of them? This is because you have not been to Tirol in the Austrian Alps! Now is the time to go there to get a good portion of the positive, adrenaline and happiness and to discover new hobbies.

Firstly, there is very beautiful: well-groomed meadows and beautiful forests, snow-capped mountains, clean air and contented life Ladybugs "Milk". In all of this ecological paradise, live happy Tyroleans who do not spend time and effort to podschityvanie calories and calculating glycemic index diets do not pace yourself, and instead have fun in the evenings trapeznichat sausages with sauerkraut, squeezed all the large chunks of beer. And sing in a special way: without the words, alternating between chest and falsetto sound. Yodling said.

And of course, everyone knows that the Alps - is a wonderful place for lovers of all kinds of ski resorts and there is great where you can cool to spend time.

That's roughly the range of information and has been for me, when I set off for three days in a nice Tyrolean town of Sölden at the invitation of the Austrian Tourist Board.

Business and corporate tourism

If you mention the terms of business tourism and corporate tourism of some twenty or thirty years ago, the interviewee could not understand what was going on. The concepts of business and corporate tourism appeared in connection with the globalization of world economy. In the developed foreign countries that happened in the 70 years 80hh XXgo century, but in Russia on business travel talk only in the early 90s. It was at this time, Russian companies were able to enter the global level.

Tour operators have realized that business tourism - it is not just one aspect of an individual tourist, but a separate niche tourism business, now what is called a horse. Today's leaders do not have to worry about organizing a business trip. Business Travel Professionals "turnkey" program are foreign travel, take care of all organizational matters, help with unforeseen situations.

Where to rest in the New Year?

If you do not want to spend the most important holiday of the year alone with the "Blue flame", go back to where it does not show. Includes song Choi, "We are waiting for change" and pack a suitcase - it's time for new adventures!
While in Russia were pressing for Olivier, think of spiritual nourishment. Abundant menu prompts Nepal millennial sacred monasteries, statues of deities, the living goddess Kumari is true - and all this against the backdrop of snowy Himalayas. One of the best places for spiritual practices, meditation, and relax. The latter, incidentally, is not synonymous with passivity: no one stops rafting on mountain rivers and make the ascent of the mountain peaks. Acquainted with the life of Nepalis into the city - museum Bhaktapur ("City of the faithful"). Locals streets are a continuation of a house: there are children, adults prepare meals, dried corn, wash clothes and dishes are made on a potter's wheel. Be sure to visit the Royal Chitwan Park ("Forest Leopard"), home to rare one-horned rhinos, bears - sloth, leopards and wild boars. Get to know the nature of the jungle, traveling on an elephant. But if you're afraid of heights, choose a car and leisurely safari trip in a canoe. Incidentally, the day the heat this time of year is misleading, a couple - three have warm clothes handy. In many areas there is simply no electricity, with varying degrees of success using solar panels, so do not be lazy to bring more hot water bottle and a down sleeping bag.

Tourists on bicycles

Of all the types of tourism trips by bicycle - the most profitable. In contrast to the motor bike fuel is not required, it can travel where no other form of transport does not take place on easily accessible areas can be transferred to the hands, and in extreme cases it can take the train. Traveling by bicycle is much nicer than the public transport modes, and the speed is much higher than the pedestrian, with a backpack and generally there are no problems.

Probably not a man who would not know how to ride a bike, because this ride almost all taught as children. Today, the industry produces a wide range of road and touring bikes that are easy to manage, gaining rapidly and easily hamper, and weigh a little while. In addition, for this type of travel is on sale special clothing, which makes it possible to feel quite comfortable in all weather conditions.

Bus tours to Europe

If you want a very short time and for little money to visit the most interesting and famous cities and the capitals of Europe, then the bus tours to Europe - your option!

Bus Tours in Europe - it is a very interesting kind of tourism. During one trip you will a good opportunity to cross the borders of several countries. During one trip you can take in the sights of several European capitals, to compare them, evaluate each of the dignity and come back again and again.

In today's Europe bus tours - not an ordeal. Especially if the program is not the route the night moves. True their absence somewhat increases the cost of a trip because you have to pay for more nights in hotels, but makes life great travelers. In these trips go, not only students, schoolchildren and pensioners - without damage to health.

Aviation Tourism

Over the past decade, great progress has air tourism. He is extremely popular in many countries in Europe, America and Australia. Flying a light aircraft and helicopters were used in the fields of tourism and entertainment. Much to our regret in Russia this kind of tourism does not yet have wide popularity.

Recently, more and more popular flights to serious flying technique. In the developed capitalist countries, aviation tourism is in great demand. Because tourists have the pleasure to fly extremals in almost all types of aircraft and helicopters up to the war. So the German travel company «Alpha Trevel» offers travelers a very interesting program. It all starts with training on simulators, which are used by «Luftgansa» for training its pilots. After the trainers 'tour, the cadets' offer to fly on airplanes lighter type. At the end of the program you are given the opportunity to make a flight on the legendary "Junkers." At the moment around the world have only five such planes, which are in perfect working condition.

Tourism - a phenomenon known to everyone. At all times our planet crossed many travelers and explorers. But only recently emerged as a tourism specific form of human activity. Each of us envisions tourism as an industry, more or less known, since we all went somewhere on vacation and away from home. Tourism - a relatively new phenomenon, which has, however, the roots in ancient times.

We have entered the market economy at a time when the international market have undergone significant changes with regard to tourism. Travel around the world has become one of the most important economic sectors, and for some developing countries - the foundation of their existence (Thailand, Cyprus, Malaysia, etc.).