Sobor Notr Dame

To get to the main attractions of Reims - Cathedral of Notre Dame, from the train / railway station to move, following the general direction of the south-east. Perpendicular Blvd. Foch, which limits the area to the south-east, moves pl. Drouet d'Erlon, more like a wide street with shops and restaurants - nightlife center of Reims. It at the intersection with the street. Byuiret installed a fountain, near which, by the street. l'Etap and st. Condorcet, coming from the area in the north-east, is a shopping arcade. On the opposite side of the rue Condorcet-church of Saint-Jacques (XII-XIV), stained glass windows which were installed after the Second World War.

Next, cross rue de Velse, described as the addition to rue Carnot and rue de Talleyrand main shopping street, and, following the first on the street. Kapyusen, and then, turning at the intersection with the street. Liberzhe to the east, went to Notre Dame. On the road you can see the collection of the Museum of Fine Arts. The earliest of the presented paintings belong to the Renaissance.

Notre Dame Cathedral - one of the outstanding examples of French Gothic - style, first embodied in stone at Chartres Cathedral and further elaborated in the cathedral of Reims. The existing building on this day were built in 1211 on the site of the church in V. The construction of the four were involved in an architect. Jean began d'Orbe. Under his leadership, to 1228 and built the choir transepts. The baton of Jean le Loup adopted (by the western facade of the cathedral at Amiens). He worked there until 1244 then was Gauche de Reims, who worked until 1252, and ended up in the cathedral in 1287 Bernard de Suason.

During the occupation of Reims by German troops in 1914 and fighting continued for about 4 years old, and the city in which to end the war remained intact, only 60 buildings and cathedral lay in ruins. Reconstruction of the Cathedral, conducted by highly qualified craftsmen in money from the Rockefeller Foundation, was completed in 1938, just in time for World War II, which is again swept through Reims. Now the building is fully recreated the way its architects envisioned the XIII century.

The western facade of the cathedral is striking in its proportionality and sophisticated gothic decor. In the niches there are 120 stone figures of saints and angels (XIII), among which are "smiling angel" - a world famous masterpiece. Incredibly beautiful, especially at sunset, stained glass main blade 12-second window, roses and three small boxes of roses.

The length of the main nave of the cathedral - 138 m. The windows of the two chapels decorated the north side of Marc Chagall stained glass windows. In one of the chapels is a statue of Joan of Arc. Chagall stained glass altar performed as part of the cathedral. In the north aisle near the body, decorated in the style of "flaming Gothic", the clock is set, originally designed in the XV century. And then recreated after the First World War.
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