
Between the hills Eskvilin, Caelius, and Palatine, stands majestically Amphitheatre Flavius, called the Coliseum, whose construction began under the Emperor Vespasian in 72 AD in a place where previously there were magnificent artificial lake Nero's palace, called the "Golden House". Tradition says that the Romans were very pleased with the construction of the new monumental building, because they do not love luxury home tyrant, which prevented movement and served as a barrier to entry in the forums.

In addition, in terms of urban development and aesthetics, the Coliseum could not be successfully complemented the future of the Forum, and got, their masses, a bridge and an ideal place to pass the magnificent monuments vysyaschihsya behind the hills. In the 60 th year, when Titus Flavius, the son of Emperor Vespasian, took a magnificent opening ceremony on the occasion of which were declared stodnevnye game, during which several thousand gladiators fought and was harassed a lot of animals.

Completed to a large extent under the Emperor Domitian and restored in the era of Septimius Severus, the Coliseum, for many centuries, continued to be a symbol of greatness and power of Rome. And, indeed, there is no printed work, whether it be print, drawing or painting, which would not have figured Coliseum, towering above the other majestic ruins. In the year 246, under the Emperor Decius, in celebration of the Millennium in Rome, the Colosseum was the theater, pageantry, where, according to the recollections of that era, were killed 32 elephants, 60 lions, 40 wild horses and dozens of other animals, and among them, elk, zebras , tigers, giraffes and hippos. In the same bloody battle took place about 2,000 gladiators, which was probably the most beloved spectacle of the Romans. As for the mass martyrdom of Christians, as it historically has not been proven. Gladiatorial games ended in a 404 year, while the battle lasted, and savage were halted only in recent years, the VI century. Repeatedly destroyed the amphitheater of strong earthquakes.

Later, the Roman family dei Frangipani degli Annibaldi and turned it into a fort, as long as at the command of Arrigo VII, the Colosseum was not owned by the Romans. In later centuries, the Colosseum began to decline, huge blocks of travertine were removed and taken away to build other palaces: Palazzo Kanchelleriya, Palazzo Venezia and the same ST. Peter's. Finally, in 1750 Benedict XIV, declared the Colosseum a sacred place, as it was, by then to popular opinion, place of death "for Christ" many martyrs of pagan Rome. OUTSIDE - In terms of the amphitheater is an ellipse, 188 feet in length, width, and height-156-57 meters. Construction of the Colosseum dlipos10 years and had to board the three emperors of the Flavian type: Vespasian, Titus and Domitian.

The name of the architect, who owns the amphitheater project - is unknown, but suggest that they were Rabiry, appeared later the author of the palace of Domitian. Outside the amphitheater entirely covered with travertine and has four tiers. Bottom three are going on throughout the profile, arched sung, half-columns and pilasters cut in the canonical sequence: the first tier - Doric, the second - Ionic, and the third - Corinthian. Fourth, the upper tier, unfinished little later, a solid wall, dissected cut by Corinthian pilasters and small windows. At the crowning cornice is still preserved holes, which was inserted to support the tension of bright tent protecting the spectators from the heat. Each arch spans the first level corresponded to the entrance to the grandstand: 76 of these inputs are numbered (on the arches can still see the Roman numerals), four main entrances were designed - one for the royal suite, the other - to the Vestals, the third - for judges and last - for the guests. All the arch spans the second and third floors were decorated with statues, nedoshedshimi to this day. When in the Middle Ages, the Colosseum has become something of a giant public quarries, were taken all the metal buckles of the day is a connection between the travertine blocks, leaving still visible holes. On the ground in front of the amphitheater was a bronze statue of Nero tridtsatimetrovaya, called Colossus, suggest that the name of the Coliseum - a big, huge - comes just from this colossus. Inside - The amphitheater could seat about 50.000-70.000 audience sat on its steps, depending on the class of social belonging. There were three categories of seats "podium" that falls into the first category, which sit representatives of the highest class, and where was the bed of the emperor, the second category of seats in the center reserved for "tsivis" citizens belonging to the middle class and the third, "the sum of "housed people. There is probably a fourth category of seats reserved for women. Under the arena there was a whole system of cells, galleries, storage areas, dressing rooms and basements, which were the eyes now thanks to excavations. We are talking about a number of areas that contained various items and equipment and where they were kept animals before and after the shows, which were the main types of gladiators ("ludi") and "venationes" hunting for animals, but occurred in the arena, too, and performances of magicians, sports, equestrian competitions and naval battles - navmahii. Games are held on the occasion of important dates, annual holidays and extraordinary events. In some cases, it was in the Emperor's birthday and the celebration of historical events, and in others - as a result of the triumph or victory. It should be said that the funeral is also a reason for this kind of games. In this case issued on ads (edicts) indicates the order of the Games, an occasion on which they were held and the day they start. In those days, with a complex mechanism and the use of selected large labor force, over the stepping stones raised huge multicolored tent made of silk and linen.
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