Circus Maximus

Tradition says that Circus was built Tarquins Prisco in a place where there was a famous kidnapping of the Sabine Women Circus area stretches over 600 meters in a hollow between hills, the Aventine and Palatine, once called the valley of Murcia. Circus was the largest in Rome, and were based on a sample all other similar facilities. Circus could hold 200,000 spectators and is the ideal location for events of chariots and quadriga, which took place fifty times a year up to 549 years in which, at Totile, took the last match. A wall divides longitudinally Circus, called "spin", and two of her butt - "Meta." "Back," was decorated with architectural elements of various origins with a towering Egyptian obelisk among them, those who now stands on the Piazza del Popolo.

Initially, the stands were made of wood, after which, due to repeatedly fire the flare, were replaced by stone. In 46 BC, Julius Caesar, to commemorate the victories in Africa, organized a grand celebration here, ending the battle simulation, which was attended by 1000 infantry, 600 cavalry and 40 elephants.
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