Plaza Mayor in Madrid

From the Puerta del Sol street st. Postas leads to another and more famous old square of Madrid, to the Plaza Mayor. Just north of Puerta del Sol is the church of San Ginés (XIV century. Is open during religious services), where paintings by El Greco.

The entire area west of the Puerta del Sol is known as "Austrian Madrid" or "Madrid of the Habsburgs' - in memory of the royal dynasty that ruled Spain until 1700, when the throne, Philip V of Bourbon. By order of one of the Hapsburgs, Philip III, was designed Plaza Mayor (equestrian statue of Philip III is set in the center of the area).

Things to Do in Florence

Florence - Basilica of Santa Maria del Fiore (1296-1461) in the Gothic style, decorated with red, green and white marble, the XIV century bell tower, the Baptistery of San Giovanni (XI-XV centuries), known gilded bronze doors of the eastern door decorated with sculpted scenes from the Old Testament, called "Paradise Gate", National Museum, which houses a collection of sculptures of Donatello, the fountain of Neptune (1576), the Palazzo Vecchio (1299-1314), the Uffizi Gallery - one of the greatest collections of Italian artists, gallery Pitti with works by Raphael, Perugino, Titian, Tintoretto, the tomb of the Medici family with a marble bas-relief by Michelangelo, the Medici palace, Ricardo (XV century), which houses a museum of the Medici, the monastery of San Marino, in the museum are works by Fra Angelico and Fra Bartolomeo , it is the philosopher of Savonarola's cell; gallery of the Academy of Fine Arts, which houses the famous sculpture by Michelangelo - David, the Archaeological Museum, Franciscan Church of Santa Groche (XIII-XIV century), painted by Giotto, it is called the Pantheon of Florence because it has been buried Michelangelo Buonarroti, and philosopher Niccolo Machiavelli the politician, the composer Rossini.


Palatine Hill, bounded by small valleys and the ancient Roman Forum, Circus Maximus stadium, according to legend, owe their name to "Pales", the goddess of shepherds, in whose honor were "fired" cleaning holidays, arranged ever since the formation of Rome.

And if the Romans associated with the Palatino place where Romulus built a city, it is known to all, and the fact that this hill is the cradle of Rome, since it was found the most ancient settlements in Rome. In an age of on this hill stood the temples and houses of noble Romans, and among them the abode of Crassus and Cicero, and in the imperial period there was a residence of emperors and wealthy homes rose the most ancient times.

Circus Maximus

Tradition says that Circus was built Tarquins Prisco in a place where there was a famous kidnapping of the Sabine Women Circus area stretches over 600 meters in a hollow between hills, the Aventine and Palatine, once called the valley of Murcia. Circus was the largest in Rome, and were based on a sample all other similar facilities. Circus could hold 200,000 spectators and is the ideal location for events of chariots and quadriga, which took place fifty times a year up to 549 years in which, at Totile, took the last match. A wall divides longitudinally Circus, called "spin", and two of her butt - "Meta." "Back," was decorated with architectural elements of various origins with a towering Egyptian obelisk among them, those who now stands on the Piazza del Popolo.

Roman Forum

Inextricably linked with the life of Rome and the development of his urbanity, the Forum marked a significant milestone in the history of the city, bringing together in one - the one place all aspects of socio-political and economic life. Forum, which extends over an area of 500 meters between the Palatine Hill, the Capitol and Eskvilin, at the very beginning of its existence, was a huge swamp, drained by the construction of a network of channels (one of whom was the famous Cloaca Maximus), which gathered all the waters flowing into the Tiber. It seems that the name of the Forum, who was born as a place for shopping malls, even where there were hills on various individual settlements, derived from the word "foras", that is, a place outside of a residential center. After the unification of the city into a coherent whole, the Forum was an ideal center (and almost the geographical pivot of) Rome. Since then, trading activity has gradually moved to other places, but all along the Forum, the densely built-up temple dedicated to the cult of the major deities and deified famous Romans, basil, sometimes litigation and commercial transactions, stretched Sacra, Via Sacra, along which in the days festivities moved solemn processions and a triumph victorious troops. Forum Komitsiumom his interest, where people gathered for the election of judges, curia, in which the Senate met, as well as arches, columns and trophies in memory of outstanding events. Among the trophies deserve special attention the famous rostrum enemy ships, defeated in battle, adorned the podium dei Rostra. From there he spoke, drawing a crowd: hence Cicero against Catiline orate, and Anthony touched by the Romans of his eulogy on the death of Caesar. But for the moments of brilliance followed by a gradual decline, and the first Forum had to give place to the new forums era of the empire, after which he, together with all the Roman civilization, shaken by the invasions of barbarians, plunged in gloom long Ages.


Between the hills Eskvilin, Caelius, and Palatine, stands majestically Amphitheatre Flavius, called the Coliseum, whose construction began under the Emperor Vespasian in 72 AD in a place where previously there were magnificent artificial lake Nero's palace, called the "Golden House". Tradition says that the Romans were very pleased with the construction of the new monumental building, because they do not love luxury home tyrant, which prevented movement and served as a barrier to entry in the forums.

In addition, in terms of urban development and aesthetics, the Coliseum could not be successfully complemented the future of the Forum, and got, their masses, a bridge and an ideal place to pass the magnificent monuments vysyaschihsya behind the hills. In the 60 th year, when Titus Flavius, the son of Emperor Vespasian, took a magnificent opening ceremony on the occasion of which were declared stodnevnye game, during which several thousand gladiators fought and was harassed a lot of animals.

Jacques Hureau and Cheverny castle

Balloon ascension, the shore of the lake in the park of the castle Cheverny. In 1315 on-site mill Sheeerni was that in 1490 Jacques Hureau, intendant of Louis XII, rebuilt the castle, "with a moat, drawbridge, turrets, battlements and other fortifications." His son Philip was chancellor of Henry III and Henry IV.

In 1625 a descendant of Henry J. Yuro began to build a new castle. Architect, inspired by the Luxembourg Palace, managed to create one of the purest examples of the style of Louis XIII. The material he chose the local white sandstone, which does not darken over time and with each passing year it becomes stronger and stronger. The facade of the castle has never been restored to 1634 - the year of completion.

Bordeaux Things to Do

A few blocks from the square is the Museum of Decorative Arts. The exhibition earthenware, porcelain, furniture and decorative arts. From the south of the museum - the Town Hall, built in 1770, It includes the main building, which occupies the eastern portion of the area, two detached wings, north and south and a small park, a prisoner among them. In the wings are placed collections of the Museum of Fine Arts. Flemish, Dutch and Italian painting of the XVII century. As well as works by Delacroix. Temporary exhibitions are held in the museum's new building.

East facade of City Hall goes to the square on which stands the cathedral of Saint-Andre. In the IX century. preserved parts of the walls of the main nave. Most modern buildings belongs to the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries. Royal portal is decorated with medieval sculptures depicting scenes of the Last Judgement. It was in this cathedral in 1137 Alenora Aquitaine was married to the heir to the French throne by Louis VII. During the Gothic choir is the entrance to the belfry Pays Berlan. In contrast the northern transept of the cathedral on the street. Tra-Conil) is the National Centre Jean Moulin. Here, the exhibition dedicated to the French during World War II (the occupation, the Resistance and Liberation). To the southeast of the street, passing in the street. Pasteur, where the house number 20 is the Museum of Aquitaine. The museum exhibition covers 25 thousand years of history of Aquitaine. Prehistoric period represented by archaeological finds, including several unusual stone female figurines. It also stores Tayaksky (Tauas) (II century. BC) and Garonnsky clade (4 thousand Roman coins).

Castle Kahn

Castle - a giant medieval fortification. To imagine the difficulties that would face the troops who wished to take it by storm, it is enough to walk on walls and look into the now-drained moat. In the castle chapel is Saint-Georges and Treasury building - one of the oldest (1100) civic buildings in Normandy.

Very interesting site - Pharmacy garden where the beds planted with medicinal and spicy herbs. Some copies of the collection, cultivated here since the Middle Ages - are poisonous.

In the western part of the castle is the Museum of Normandy.

The collection - the exhibits on the history of Normandy, and interesting cultural artifacts.

Sobor Notr Dame

To get to the main attractions of Reims - Cathedral of Notre Dame, from the train / railway station to move, following the general direction of the south-east. Perpendicular Blvd. Foch, which limits the area to the south-east, moves pl. Drouet d'Erlon, more like a wide street with shops and restaurants - nightlife center of Reims. It at the intersection with the street. Byuiret installed a fountain, near which, by the street. l'Etap and st. Condorcet, coming from the area in the north-east, is a shopping arcade. On the opposite side of the rue Condorcet-church of Saint-Jacques (XII-XIV), stained glass windows which were installed after the Second World War.

Next, cross rue de Velse, described as the addition to rue Carnot and rue de Talleyrand main shopping street, and, following the first on the street. Kapyusen, and then, turning at the intersection with the street. Liberzhe to the east, went to Notre Dame. On the road you can see the collection of the Museum of Fine Arts. The earliest of the presented paintings belong to the Renaissance.

Circus of Gavarni

Circus of Gavarni (3.5 hours walking back and forth from the village of Gavarni) raises enormous stairs, balconies, foundation rock amphitheater is 3.5 km in diameter, and the top line of more than 14 km.

The most beautiful waterfall - Grand Cascade (422 m) - one of the many waterfalls that feed water of the glacier mountains of Mont-Purdue.

A huge crack in the rock, visible from gedrite, from time immemorial been known as the passage of Roland. It is assumed that the dying knight, Christian tried to break the rock my sword, so that she does not fall into the hands of his pursuers infidels. In fact, the rearguard of Charlemagne's army got ambushed by the Basques in 115 km west from the pass Ronsevalskogo in 778, the "Song of Roland" became the first French chronicles in verse.

In the summer of Lourdes (52 km by road 0921) every day, two buses ply. In July, a festival of this drama.

Things to Arles

Arena of Arles, as well as Arena Nimes, built in the late I,. BC in the reign of Hadrian. Its impressive dimensions: length of major axis of 136 m, 107 m of small she housed 24 thousand spectators. Arena consists of two arches, each of which comprises 60 arches (lower - Doric order, the top - Corinthian). There is only one difference from nimskoy: fencing scene above.

History of this circus is full of events, but in the end, he shared the fate of similar buildings to him in other cities, whose materials used for construction of houses and monuments. The arena was looted and turned into a fortress by the Saracens, and was later occupied by poor people, who settled here and built two chapels. Beginning with 1825 arena gradually restored, and today are held here and the traditional bullfighting festival ecological advocates Camargue.