Valley of the Kings

Colossi of Memnon for the road divides: left leads to the Valley of Queens, and right - in the Valley of the Kings. Over the Valley of the Kings of Thebes predominant peak, which is due to the characteristic silhouette resembling a pyramid, the locals call el-Qurna, which means "horn". In ancient times, this peak associated with the name of the goddess of snakes, Meret-Seger, which means "loving silence." Most likely, it is a form of mountains, and is associated with the pyramids of the Old Kingdom era, led the first pharaohs of the XVIII dynasty elect is a dry desert impressive place to build their abode of eternal rest.

Thutmose I (XVIII dynasty), the first chose their place of burial of the valley. He and his court architect Iren hoped that the tomb was hidden in the rocks, is better protected from thieves than open all the looks of the pyramid. And to bring hunters of easy money into even more confusing, the temples of the dead were laid and more distant from the tombs themselves. But these tricks do not help, from thieves to escape failed. Yet for 500 years, this form of burial has remained unchanged and only slightly improved. In the limestone cliff done the corridors of up to 200 m, leaving abruptly down to a depth of 100 m. The burial chamber were falling secret doors, main entrance disguised earthen hills and mounds. On the other hand were quite varied decor and burial, which include, inter alia, hymns, incantations of the "Book of the Dead", the figures of deities and biographies of the dead, reproduced in paintings.

The necropolis has 62 tombs, 24 of them royal, dignitary and the rest are approximate faraona.Fivanskie tomb - highest standards of world art - included in the UNESCO World naslediya.Nado number of treasures to say that the mummies in tombs not only kept the mummy of Tutankhamun, where lay nearly three and a half millennia. The remaining mummies on display in the hall of mummies at the Egyptian Museum in Cairo. Below is a list of graves to be visited in the first place.
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